ALNA's new three step quick skills program for our industry

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ALNA – Who we are

As the national voice of Newsagents and Lottery Retailers, as well as Gift Stores, Tobacconists, and some Small Convenience Retailers, the Australian Lottery & Newsagents Association’s mission is to make our members lives easier each and every day, to help you to run successful and resilient businesses.

We do this, with our strong track record of getting real results through actions that make a difference for your business.

Our industry association provides a professional voice for each individual member business with, government, regulators, and suppliers. We also support employers like you to stay compliant with the law and to protect your rights.

We provide members with day-to-day business support, industry training and commercial support that both makes and saves members money. We negotiate with your suppliers on your behalf, and we keep you up to date with changes within the industry and for small business to protect you and assist you with running your business well.

Our knowledgeable team is here to help you every day with solutions and improved outcomes for your business, including staff and wage assistance, leasing and rental support, professional development and skills support, specialist, lotteries, franchising and regulation support, and a host of events, guides and tool kits to help you to succeed and grow your network.

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ALNA’s new three-step quick skills program for our industry

About Alna

About ALNA

Why advocacy is important